Špičkový RockBox a upravená TagCache v2.0


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Špičkový RockBox a upravená TagCache v2.0

Hudba 24.09.06

RockBox je open-source firmware pro hudební přehrávače. Například takový Apple iPod není hudební přehrávač (neumí přehrávat hudbu, WMA/FLAC/OGG/APE, atd.) a jeho existence je spíše důkazem, že davové šílenství dokáže prodat libovolně zaostalý produkt.

Nicméně, pokud na onen Toshiba disk, Broadcomm chipset a Samsung displej nainstalujete RockBox, tedy zbavíte se všeho co souvisí s Apple, je to najednou prudce použitelné. V nejnovější verzi RockBoxu je přítomna TagCache v2.0. Parádní věc, která umí vytvářet i submenu a různé podmínky. V praxi máte poté nejenom luxusní hudební přehrávač, ale rovněž mnohem snadněji ovladatelný než nepoužitelný Apple iPod firmware. Rockbox rulez! :-)

Dobré buildy RockBoxu naleznete u Senaba a témata u Juliuse.

TagCache main screenpřehlednost a obrovské množství funkcí
FLAC songpřehrávaná písnička ve FLACu

Moje upravené nastavení tagnavi.config

#! rockbox/tagbrowser/2.0
# ^ Version header must be the first line of every file

# search sub menu
%menu_start "search" "Search by..."
"Artist" -> artist ? artist ~ "" -> album -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Album" -> album ? album ~ "" -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Title" -> title ? title ~ ""
"Filename" -> filename ? filename ~ ""
"Score" -> title = "(%3d) %s" autoscore title ? autoscore > ""

# artists sub menu
%menu_start "byartist" "Artists A-Z"
"Artist @ A" -> artist ? artist ^ "A"  -> album -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Artist @ B" -> artist ? artist ^ "B"  -> album -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Artist @ C" -> artist ? artist ^ "C"  -> album -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Artist @ D" -> artist ? artist ^ "D"  -> album -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Artist @ E" -> artist ? artist ^ "E"  -> album -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Artist @ F" -> artist ? artist ^ "F"  -> album -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Artist @ G" -> artist ? artist ^ "G"  -> album -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Artist @ H" -> artist ? artist ^ "H"  -> album -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Artist @ I" -> artist ? artist ^ "I"  -> album -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Artist @ J" -> artist ? artist ^ "J"  -> album -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Artist @ K" -> artist ? artist ^ "K"  -> album -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Artist @ L" -> artist ? artist ^ "L"  -> album -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Artist @ M" -> artist ? artist ^ "M"  -> album -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Artist @ N" -> artist ? artist ^ "N"  -> album -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Artist @ O" -> artist ? artist ^ "O"  -> album -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Artist @ P" -> artist ? artist ^ "P"  -> album -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Artist @ Q" -> artist ? artist ^ "Q"  -> album -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Artist @ R" -> artist ? artist ^ "R"  -> album -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Artist @ S" -> artist ? artist ^ "S"  -> album -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Artist @ T" -> artist ? artist ^ "T"  -> album -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Artist @ U" -> artist ? artist ^ "U"  -> album -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Artist @ V" -> artist ? artist ^ "V"  -> album -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Artist @ W" -> artist ? artist ^ "W"  -> album -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Artist @ X" -> artist ? artist ^ "X"  -> album -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Artist @ Y" -> artist ? artist ^ "Y"  -> album -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Artist @ Z" -> artist ? artist ^ "Z"  -> album -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title

# albums sub menu
%menu_start "byalbum" "Albums A-Z"
"Album @ A" -> album ? album ^ "A"  -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Album @ B" -> album ? album ^ "B"  -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Album @ C" -> album ? album ^ "C"  -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Album @ D" -> album ? album ^ "D"  -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Album @ E" -> album ? album ^ "E"  -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Album @ F" -> album ? album ^ "F"  -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Album @ G" -> album ? album ^ "G"  -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Album @ H" -> album ? album ^ "H"  -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Album @ I" -> album ? album ^ "I"  -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Album @ J" -> album ? album ^ "J"  -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Album @ K" -> album ? album ^ "K"  -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Album @ L" -> album ? album ^ "L"  -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Album @ M" -> album ? album ^ "M"  -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Album @ N" -> album ? album ^ "N"  -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Album @ O" -> album ? album ^ "O"  -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Album @ P" -> album ? album ^ "P"  -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Album @ Q" -> album ? album ^ "Q"  -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Album @ R" -> album ? album ^ "R"  -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Album @ S" -> album ? album ^ "S"  -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Album @ T" -> album ? album ^ "T"  -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Album @ U" -> album ? album ^ "U"  -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Album @ V" -> album ? album ^ "V"  -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Album @ W" -> album ? album ^ "W"  -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Album @ X" -> album ? album ^ "X"  -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Album @ Y" -> album ? album ^ "Y"  -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Album @ Z" -> album ? album ^ "Z"  -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title

# titles sub menu
%menu_start "bytitle" "Titles A-Z"
"Title @ A" -> title ? title ^ "A"
"Title @ B" -> title ? title ^ "B"
"Title @ C" -> title ? title ^ "C"
"Title @ D" -> title ? title ^ "D"
"Title @ E" -> title ? title ^ "E"
"Title @ F" -> title ? title ^ "F"
"Title @ G" -> title ? title ^ "G"
"Title @ H" -> title ? title ^ "H"
"Title @ I" -> title ? title ^ "I"
"Title @ J" -> title ? title ^ "J"
"Title @ K" -> title ? title ^ "K"
"Title @ L" -> title ? title ^ "L"
"Title @ M" -> title ? title ^ "M"
"Title @ N" -> title ? title ^ "N"
"Title @ O" -> title ? title ^ "O"
"Title @ P" -> title ? title ^ "P"
"Title @ Q" -> title ? title ^ "Q"
"Title @ R" -> title ? title ^ "R"
"Title @ S" -> title ? title ^ "S"
"Title @ T" -> title ? title ^ "T"
"Title @ U" -> title ? title ^ "U"
"Title @ V" -> title ? title ^ "V"
"Title @ W" -> title ? title ^ "W"
"Title @ X" -> title ? title ^ "X"
"Title @ Y" -> title ? title ^ "Y"
"Title @ Z" -> title ? title ^ "Z"

# decades sub menu
%menu_start "bydecades" "Decades"
"<untagged>"-> artist ? year == "0"                    -> album -> title = "%02d %s" tracknum title
"sixties"   -> artist ? year >= "1960" & year < "1970" -> album -> title = "%02d %s" tracknum title
"seventies" -> artist ? year >= "1970" & year < "1980" -> album -> title = "%02d %s" tracknum title
"eighties"  -> artist ? year >= "1980" & year < "1990" -> album -> title = "%02d %s" tracknum title
"nineties"  -> artist ? year >= "1990" & year < "2000" -> album -> title = "%02d %s" tracknum title
"2000ties"  -> artist ? year >= "2000" & year < "2010" -> album -> title = "%02d %s" tracknum title

# main menu
%menu_start "main" "Browse by..."
"Artists A-Z" ==> "byartist"
"Albums  A-Z" ==> "byalbum"
"Titles  A-Z" ==> "bytitle"
"Genres"    -> genre    -> artist -> album -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Decades" ==> "bydecades"
"All Artists"   -> artist   -> album  -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"All Albums"    -> album    -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Year"     -> year ? year > "1000" & year < "2008" -> artist -> album -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Most played" -> title = "(%3d) %s" playcount title %sort = "inverse" %limit = "100" ? playcount > "0"
"Never played" -> artist ? playcount == "0" -> album -> title = "%02d. %s" tracknum title
"Best tracks" -> artist ? playcount > "1" & autoscore > "85" -> album -> title = "%02d. %s (%3d)" tracknum title autoscore
"Last played" -> title = "(%3d/%d) %s" autoscore playcount title ? playcount > "0"
"Search..." ==> "search"

# And finally set main menu as our root menu
%root_menu "main"

A nastavení RockBoxu v config01.cfg

# .cfg file created by rockbox 060921-1042 - http://www.rockbox.org
# wps / rwps / language / font / fmpreset / backdrop 
wps: /.rockbox/wps/Green5g.wps
browserfont: /.rockbox/fonts/nimbus-14.fnt
wpsfont: /.rockbox/fonts/nimbus-14.fnt
menufont: /.rockbox/fonts/nimbus-14.fnt
userfont1: /.rockbox/fonts/nimbus-14.fnt
userfont2: /.rockbox/fonts/helvR12.fnt
userfont3: /.rockbox/fonts/helvR14.fnt
userfont4: /.rockbox/fonts/helvR18.fnt
backdrop: /.rockbox/backdrops/Green5g.bmp
listxpos: 10
listypos: 35
listlines: 14
listwidth: 300
volume: -16
balance: 0
bass: 0
treble: 0
channels: stereo
# (possible values: stereo,mono,custom,mono left,mono right,karaoke)
stereo width: 100
resume: off
shuffle: off
repeat: all
# (possible values: off,all,one,shuffle,ab)
backlight timeout: 5
# (possible values: off,on,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,15,20,25,30,45,60,90)
backlight timeout plugged: 10
# (possible values: off,on,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,15,20,25,30,45,60,90)
invert: off
flip display: off
invert cursor: on
statusbar: on
scrollbar: on
volume display: graphic
# (possible values: graphic,numeric)
battery display: graphic
# (possible values: graphic,numeric)
time format: 24hour
# (possible values: 24hour,12hour)
show icons: on
idle poweroff: 10
# (possible values: off,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,15,30,45,60)
max files in playlist: 10000
max files in dir: 400
battery capacity: 1300
car adapter mode: off
backlight filters first keypress: off
press button for USB...: power only
# (possible values: power only,connection)
listxpos: 10
listypos: 35
listlines: 14
listwidth: 300
caption backlight: off
brightness: 9
backlight fade in: 500ms
# (possible values: off,500ms,1s,2s)
backlight fade out: 2s
# (possible values: off,500ms,1s,2s,3s,4s,5s,10s)
scroll speed: 9
scroll delay: 100
bidir limit: 50
Screen Scrolls Out Of View: off
scroll step: 6
screen scroll step: 16
scroll paginated: off
foreground color: FFFFFF
background color: 639218
play selected: on
volume fade: on
scan min step: 1
# (possible values: 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,10,15,20,25,30,45,60)
scan accel: 3
antiskip: 3min
# (possible values: 5s,15s,30s,1min,2min,3min,5min,10min)
disk spindown: 5
show files: id3 database
# (possible values: all,supported,music,playlists,id3 database)
sort case: off
follow playlist: off
playlist viewer icons: on
playlist viewer indices: on
playlist viewer track display: track name
# (possible values: track name,full path)
recursive directory insert: off
# (possible values: off,on,ask)
autocreate bookmarks: off
# (possible values: off,on,ask,recent only - on,recent only - ask)
autoload bookmarks: off
# (possible values: off,on,ask)
use most-recent-bookmarks: off
# (possible values: off,on,unique only)
peak meter clip hold: 60
# (possible values: on,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,15,20,25,30,45,60,90,2min,3min,5min,10min,20min,45min,90min)
peak meter hold: 500ms
# (possible values: off,200ms,300ms,500ms,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,15,20,30,1min)
peak meter release: 8
peak meter dbfs: on
peak meter min: 60
peak meter max: 0
talk dir: off
# (possible values: off,number,spell,hover)
talk file: off
# (possible values: off,number,spell,hover)
talk menu: on
sort files: alpha
# (possible values: alpha,oldest,newest,type)
sort dirs: alpha
# (possible values: alpha,oldest,newest)
id3 tag priority: v2-v1
# (possible values: v2-v1,v1-v2)
folder navigation: off
gather runtime data: off
replaygain: on
replaygain type: album
# (possible values: track,album,track shuffle)
replaygain noclip: off
replaygain preamp: 0
beep: off
# (possible values: off,weak,moderate,strong)
crossfade: off
# (possible values: off,shuffle,track skip,always)
crossfade fade in delay: 0
crossfade fade out delay: 0
crossfade fade in duration: 0
crossfade fade out duration: 0
crossfade fade out mode: crossfade
# (possible values: crossfade,mix)
crossfeed: off
crossfeed direct gain: 15
crossfeed cross gain: 60
crossfeed hf attenuation: 160
crossfeed hf cutoff: 700
eq enabled: off
eq precut: 0
eq band 0 cutoff: 60
eq band 1 cutoff: 200
eq band 2 cutoff: 800
eq band 3 cutoff: 4000
eq band 4 cutoff: 12000
eq band 0 q: 7
eq band 1 q: 10
eq band 2 q: 10
eq band 3 q: 10
eq band 4 q: 7
eq band 0 gain: 0
eq band 1 gain: 0
eq band 2 gain: 0
eq band 3 gain: 0
eq band 4 gain: 0
dircache: off
tagcache_ram: on
tagcache_autoupdate: off
default codepage: utf-8
warn when erasing dynamic playlist: off
backlight on button hold: normal
# (possible values: normal,off,on)
eq hardware enabled: off
eq hardware band 0 cutoff: 105Hz
# (possible values: 80Hz,105Hz,135Hz,175Hz)
eq hardware band 0 gain: 0
eq hardware band 1 center: 300Hz
# (possible values: 230Hz,300Hz,385Hz,500Hz)
eq hardware band 1 bandwidth: narrow
# (possible values: narrow,wide)
eq hardware band 1 gain: 0
eq hardware band 2 center: 850Hz
# (possible values: 650Hz,850Hz,1.1kHz,1.4kHz)
eq hardware band 2 bandwidth: narrow
# (possible values: narrow,wide)
eq hardware band 2 gain: 0
eq hardware band 3 center: 2.4kHz
# (possible values: 1.8kHz,2.4kHz,3.2kHz,4.1kHz)
eq hardware band 3 bandwidth: narrow
# (possible values: narrow,wide)
eq hardware band 3 gain: 0
eq hardware band 4 cutoff: 6.9kHz
# (possible values: 5.3kHz,6.9kHz,9kHz,11.7kHz)
eq hardware band 4 gain: 0
hold_lr_for_scroll_in_list: on
show path in browser: full path
# (possible values: off,current directory,full path)
pause on headphone unplug: 2
rewind duration on pause: 0
disable autoresume if phones not present: on
Last.fm Logging: off