- get rid of that ugly upper banner!
So, you have a blog at For free. You happen not to like the upper banner, showing google AdWords? No problem! Just add this to your template, as ad is displayed as a table:
/* do not display blogspot table ad */ table {display:none} /* your tables in article should remain */
... and republish your blog. It will look like this:
Warning: this "ad-filtering" is against rules (16. PARTICIPATION IN PROMOTIONS OF ADVERTISERS). Your site may be terminated if you do this.
Anebo si v nastavení zadejte publikování přes FTP a svoje stránky na kterémkoliv hostingu a máte blog také bez reklamy.
[1] to jo, Michale, ale pak musím pořád něco transferovat přes FTP, což, až budeš mít 100 článků, začíná být problém.. Ale výhoda je, že tvoje data nemá blogspot a nemůže tě jen tak zrušit!
PS: na tvém blogu ti doporučuji dát veškeré styly do CSS souboru, budou tak v cache, a celý blog bude mnohem rychlejší.
it doesn't work.
[4] it does, see my test blog at:
i tried to ad that to the template in a few different places. My banner was still there each time.
[6] well, you have to try just a bit harder, look into my test blog source code and place it at exactly the same place and do not foget to REPUBLISH your blog ;)
you know you can just ask blogger to remove, since there is no option to have it removed with a fee now.